Today, put your true character on duty full-time. Decide right here and right now what type of person you are and put that person front & center.   Are you satisfied with this representation of who you are? Is this how you want the world to see you?
Stand in front of the mirror and survey the person you are; What adjectives (about your character) come to mind?   Are you:

Lazy or industrious?
Honest or deceitful?
Ambitious or apathetic?
Manipulative or forthcoming?
Polite or disrespectful?

Is the person in the mirror someone you want sharing your headspace, sharing your pillow at night or sitting down for a meal with you?  Would you loan that person money?  Offer a personal or professional reference for him/her?  Is this a person that you would seek as a partner? Colleague?  Leader? Confidante?   Is this person someone you would want to call a friend? Work with on a project?  Have as a neighbor?  Is this someone you would trust?  Befriend?  Honor and respect?

if not, then it’s time to change (for the better) what you see when you look in the mirror.  Whoever you want to be, make a commitment to being that person- 24/7/365.  This is not a persona you put on in front of your boss, your friends, in-laws or anyone else you are trying to impress.  Step into YOU.  Be who you are, unashamedly, and let that version of “you” be a gift to the world.

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