About Sheli

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The Inner workings of

Sheli's World

Consider This:

The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love. - William Sloan Coffin


I'm fascinated by labyrinths and seek them out wherever and whenever I travel. I generally go in with a question and come out with three reflection points. "Solvitur ambulando" (It is solved by walking).

Work in Progress

Sometimes it's really hard to be a "work in progress". But I once read, "You're either green and growing or ripe and rotting", so I try to remember to be grateful for the never-ending opportunities to learn and and grow.

Random Trivia & Facts

Love Languages

Connecting with people and engaging in healthy relationships is important to me.

It wasn’t until I went through years of therapy (and my 2nd divorce) that I learned about the five love languages. It has been an ongoing lesson to learn that sometimes  people love you in ways that are often easiest for them, but not necessarily what you want/need. 

One of my biggest take-aways is remembering and recognizing that we are still being LOVED.

We often love others in the way WE want to be loved.  Sometimes, its best to remember that OUR way isn’t always the best way…

No matter what, though, keep loving others. Love is the answer.

All of us blossom when we feel loved and wither when we do not feel loved.


On the see-saw of life, which do I prefer?

Nature or cities? Gifts or affection? Casual or fancy? Early bird or night owl? Winter or summer? Spring or fall? Ice cream or cake? Hotels or Airbnb?

More Random Sheli Facts

  • I love labyrinths, ice cream, the night sky, sunrises & sunsets, mountain scapes, waterfalls, water, people with a generous and loving heart, and the poem “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann.
  • Don’t tell anyone, but I find clowns to be somewhat terrifying.. And not in a way that is humorous- not even a little bit.
  • Hearing the Star Spangled Banner gives me chills

Airbnb Hostess Testimonials

[trustindex no-registration=airbnb]

My Philanthropic Causes

I believe the world is a better place when we help to take care of each other. Below are some of the non-profits and causes I support.

Click on any link to learn more about each organization. And please, give generously if you are able.

More About Me

About Me...

I’m a labyrinth-loving, ice-cream eating army brat. 

Every time I hear our national anthem, I get chills.

If someone is sincerely apologetic, I cannot hold a grudge.

I’m a mother, sister, daughter, friend and mentor. Oh, and an ex-wife (x2). 

Carmina Burana is my favorite cantata and when I hear it, my soul sings with joy.

I believe in the awesome power of community.

I’m a constant work in progress – faith in God and therapy can do wonders!

100% Gemini

I am a child of God.

Character & Values

When I talk about my values and character, it seems unwise to point out my not-so-great attributes, like the fact that I hate sharing my ice cream or that  I sometimes shamelessly gloat when I beat small kids at board games. Instead, I’ll focus on my more admirable attributes – the things that make me respectable so you can tell your friends and family about me without being ashamed or embarrassed. These are my Core Values:


Life Experience: 45+ years
and counting...
Parenting Experience: 26+ years
It's a Lifetime commitment...
Hospitality: 10+ years
Couchsurfing since 2011, Airbnb since 2012
Financial Services: 25+ years
Member Service, Risk Management, Business Development
Volunteer & Philanthropist: 15+ years
Serving my Community since 2005
#LabyrinthLover: 5+ years
Since 2016
Entrepreneur: 30+ years
Started babysitting at age 14

Remember: Life is good,

you can never have too many friends,

and ice cream makes everything better.