I know that Facebook sometimes gets a bad rap for a lot of things… but (depending on how and what you post), Facebook memories can be a great source of joy.
It reminds me, in a way, that it is not only the big, grand gestures that often stay with us, but the little moments and memories that are indelibly part of our hearts…
Traipse down memory lane with me… as I share these wonderful memories.
There are so many things to be grateful for…
I guess it pays to eat your vegetables and live a pretty ‘clean’ life…

My son and I both remember when this happened, and while he doesn’t laugh about it like I do, I cherish this memory and the quiet evening that followed. It wasn’t very often that it was just the two of us hanging out together during his teenage years.
Everyone says that time passes so quickly and your kids grow up so fast, but it doesn’t always feel that way during the hard times– infants who don’t sleep, teething babies, tantrums from toddlers and teens in turmoil.
Yet, when I look back, I wonder how it all happened so fast. 11 years went by in the blink of an eye.
It’s lovely to see the memory of another person, expressing how content they were to spend time with you, especially when it is your own son.

Christopher is a fantastic cook– a talent I think he naturally inherit from my grandma (on my father’s side). We both share a fondness for lasagna, so making dinner together that evening was fun and rewarding. (To be honest, I think he did most of the work.)
Christopher isn’t big on public declarations, so while this might have been an offhand post, it means so much to me.
Again, I can’t emphasize enough that it is the little things (like this) that matter so much.
Friendships that endure the test of time.

1985! As of the date of this post, that was 37 years ago. Jerri has been a friend for 75% of my life, and, like she said, that fraction will only get bigger!
We’ve been friends since Junior High, and our friendship circle expanded in high school to include a core group of about eight of us.
For over three decades, this core group of friends has supported each other through marriages, divorces, job changes, relocations, illnesses, deaths and every other manner of challenge and change.
We’ve been there to celebrate the good times, support each other through the bad times, and talk through the challenging times.
Over the last few months, Jerri has been a true and timeless friend, helping me transition from a 27-year career in finance to a temporary part-time job learning new skills in the Privacy sector.
And she’s not one for blowing sunshine up the back end- she’s a good enough friend that I can trust her enough to tell the WHOLE story when things in my life go sideways. And I can count on her to honestly share her thoughts on the role I’ve played in the challenges and problems I encounter. She has good insight and good advice… People like Jerri are the best kind of friends to have.
Family isn’t just what you are born into.

A weekend babysitting gig morphed into friendships and so much more. First it was baby Geo, then Clover, then Basil. Geo the adorable toddler became a big brother to baby sister Clover, who graduated to big sister a couple years later when Basil entered the scene.
Somewhere along the way, I had the privilege of presiding over the wedding of their parents, Heather and George, a couple who love each other (and their children) with fun and joy and fervor.
The opportunity to help care for these three beautiful children, be “adopted” into their growing family and watch them grow up was a blessing beyond anything I ever expected.
And the love and affection I have for that family was reciprocated. I might have helped take care of their children, but Heather and George also care for me.
When the 7.0 earthquake hit Anchorage a few years ago, they were some of the first people to call and check on me, making sure I was ok. When I said that the only problem I had was a lack of heat, they bundled up their family to come over and see if they could help me figure it out.
They’ve been there to dry my tears, comfort me and listen when I needed to talk.
That’s what family is for, right?
Want accountability? Meet Mikayla!

Mikayla and her husband Andrew stayed three months at my bed & breakfast back in 2019. She was finishing up her clinical rotations for her DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy), and Andrew was fortunate to have a fully remote job in IT, allowing him to travel with her wherever she went.
And, as has been my fortune on other occasions that I’ve hosted long-term airbnb guests, we became fast friends.
An Uber driver dropped them off, I greeted them at the front door, and Mikayla dropped her backpack and gave me a big hug.
And just like that, I instantly fell in love with Mikayla’s heart and spirit. Her husband Andrew proved to be equally wonderful.
Mikayla and Andrew live a pretty simple and clean life. Back in 2019, they ate very little meat, refined sugars or processed foods. They hadn’t owned a car for years- opting to walk or bike everywhere. In fact, when they showed up for their three-month stay, they each had one backpack and one bag. Their backpacks held all their clothing and each of the two bags held their tandem bike.
During their time with me, I had shared my desired to exercise more and eat healthier, and Mikayla held me to my word. Under Mikayla’s direction, the three of us began the 30-day clean eating challenge.
She also encouraged me to exercise. Each morning, the three of us would rise at 5:00 a.m., and Mikayla would lead us through some gentle stretches, followed by an exercise regimen customized by Mikayla. Andrew did the majority of the cooking for their duration of their stay- and everything was healthy, nutritious and delicious, including desserts.
Mikayla hid the ice cream and put reminders (“NO”) on all the things that were ‘off-limits’.
It’s nice to have people that support and encourage you with words and praise, but when people are willing to get up early to exercise alongside you, commit to following the same healthy meal plan that you are on, and even cook the meals to keep you on track, well… that’s a whole different level of love, accountability and support.
As I look through these Facebook memories, I am reminded of how blessed, fortunate and lucky I am to have so many wonderful people come into my life, and STICK AROUND.
Please take time to cherish the wonderful life you live and the moments and memories you are making today.
I will focus on doing the same.