At the time I am writing this, I am on what I know will be a faith-filled, spirit soaked adventure with the amazing couple you see pictured.
When I told them my plan, Andrew & Mikayla sent me a message the next day to say they were “IN”. And so it began…
It’s Day 1, and as I dithered over what scripture to focus on, I decided to ask Mikayla to choose.
She chose Ephesians 4:29.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29 Tweet

It was scripture she has recently focused on, so she had a lot to share.
“Tell me about it,” I said, and the crux of her response was this:
“Not only do the words that we say have such a strong impact on other people, but they also reflect what is on the inside of you,” she said fervently. “What you say can edify someone or tear them down.”
She paused briefly, then added, “Change your heart attitude. Let words of grace and peace fall out. Do not be a grumbler or complainer or use foul words or destroy people with your words.”
The three of us sat quietly in the car. I contemplated her words and thought about the words I use — speaking to myself and others. It reminded me that I need to take the time to choose my words with care.
She and Andrew take the scripture to heart, and it’s evident in how they talk to each other and those around them. It’s easy to understand why people gravitate to them- their spirits are full of love and encouragement.
There’s nothing more I need to add to this Faith Focus- it would simply be restating the scripture and her paraphrasing of it.
Nonetheless, I’ll close with this:
Let your words speak life.
Let your voice be the sound of love.
Speak to encourage.
Choose to edify.