11 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1
Words that imply confidence and belief in the best possible outcome.

You can’t have faith without hope.
You can’t have hope without faith.
Together or separately, they can feel so tenuous. Yet, at the same time, they are tenacious in nature, refusing to be shaken off or discarded in favor of doubt or disbelief.
They carry a gentle caress, like that of a butterfly’s wing — an ethereal energy of wonderful possibilities and a lightheartedness that lifts the spirits and whispers encouragement in the silence.
In times of hardship and struggle, during moments of doubt, Faith is the rope we often cling to – uncertain what the future holds, but assured that if we can just hang on a little longer, it will all work out ok.
Faith requires an open heart.
And having an open heart require faith.
It seems like such a little thing, yet it carries immense power. Faith is a catalyst that has the ability to change people, change lives and change situations.

Keep the faith.