I felt like this was a fitting Faith Focus since I have been struggling with control.
I’ve recognized that my need for control comes from two primary places: fear & insecurity, or pridefulness. It’s (almost) funny, since they are opposite ends of the spectrum. However that only emphasizes the importance of balance– being able to fall neatly between the two extremes.
12 Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
but humility comes before honor.

Life is constantly finding ways to remind me that I don’t always (have to) have the best or right answer. My heart and my character are not demonstrated by my knowledge- they are exhibited in how I live and treat people. Because of that, my ego and pride can take a backseat.
I am working to remember that everyone I encounter has a lesson to offer me if I am humble enough to be open to receiving it.
I’ve learned that I can best honor myself by showing myself grace when I don’t have the right answer, don’t know the ‘right’ thing to do, or have grievously erred.
I can be imperfect, and still be loved.
I AM imperfect, and still loved. Knowing that keeps me humble.