Such a tenuous thing… and there are so many different kinds of trust.
You might trust someone with your money, but not a secret.

You may trust that you can count on that one friend who will drop whatever they are doing to be there for you in an hour of need, but know you can’t count on them to be honest about certain things.
Yet, when it comes to matters of faith in God, this scriptures asks you to lay it ALL down.
In You, Lord my God, I put my trust.
Psalm 25:1 Tweet
Lay down your doubts, trust God.
Lay down your fear. Trust God to protect you.
Lay down your guilt & shame. Trust in God’s mercy, grace, love & forgiveness.
Lay down your insecurities. Trust that God loves you, exactly as you are.
Lay down your grief. Trust God to comfort you.
Whatever your burden, trusting God means laying it down and believing God will help you through it.

This is a tough scripture for me. The simplicity of it is staggering – it suggests that once I place my trust in God, I won’t need to worry about anything, because he will work it out, whatever IT Is, and always with my best interests at heart.
It makes me think of the well-worn phrase:
“Let Go and Let God”
But for me, that’s easier said than done.
I’m not going to give you tips for how to trust God- there are plenty of websites, books, bible studies, etc. to guide you on that path.
I’m just here to say, “Me too. I get it.”
You are not alone in your struggle to trust God. WE are not alone in our struggle to trust God. He’s right there with us, in the midst of it all, patiently waiting for us to surrender to him so he can carry our burdens for us.
It’s easier said than done… but I’m trying.