Conquer Your Fear & Negative Emotions
I was finding ways to help a loved one with an alcohol addiction when I came across a YouTube channel that provides help in understanding the science and psychology of addiction called Put the Shovel Down.
I’ve watched a ton of her videos, but thought this was worth sharing because there have been many times when I (and other people I know) have made decisions based on fears.
She says when we stay in a “wanting” state, what we’re doing is telling our brain we’re lacking something now which puts us in a bit of a desperation state. Then we just attract more desperation because we’re coming at something through a “fear” based lens.
How to help yourself:
1. Identify the negative emotion.

2. Identify the underlying fear causing that feeling – what is it that your brain is protecting you from?

3. Identify what you would like to replace that emotion with.

4. Become that feeling – act as if you already have that.

5. Identify limiting beliefs. Remember: what you want is a “feeling”, not a “thing”.

6. Surround yourself with people/things that bring that emotion out.

7. When you have a negative thought creep in, catch it, confront it, and push it out of the way.
(You cannot help the 1st thought that comes to mind, but you can control the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. so don’t nurture the negative thought.)

8. Take action that will help you be more empowered about the situation.