This month’s guest post is from my friend, Sabraena. She is young and gifted, faith-filled and seeking. I hope you’ll enjoy and embrace her wisdom.
I’m only 29 and for the majority of my life I have considered myself a Christian. I have vague memories of my parents taking me to church, and have learned to seek him for myself. Now I can say what it means for me to try God for myself. I talk to him and pray fervently, about others and myself. Even to the point where I talk to him like He’s my best friend, because he should be that to me. Afterall, he gave us bestfriends, family and lovers and it’s only right that I communicate with Him in this way. I used to just pray to him whenever something would go wrong in my life. I can recall times where I’d be on my knees crying without a care in the world because I felt so sorry for the consequences that sin had given me.
I felt suicidal. But God has always taken me from that despair and grief that I caused myself. Recently, I have been applying biblical principles over my life and it gets better. The days that I don’t have it in me to have fellowship with other believers or watch sermons, or literally make it out of bed, are when I can disconnect and talk to God. Knowing in truth that that disconnect isn’t any reflection on the people but because that’s the relationship He and I are building. But to someone who doesn’t pray all the time, or even knows what to pray for, what does it look like to create a space for God? My prayer is that this article will help someone feel comfortable to start.
The first lesson I had on creating a space for God was from a recommendation to watch the movie “War Room”. A beautiful film that opened my eyes to a vulnerable side that unbeknownst to me I was already doing. I was going into a secret place and talking to God about everything that was on my heart and mind. What I ultimately learned in application is that God already knows what I’m going to say. He already knows what’s on my heart. I believe that he just wants us to feel assured that in him there is no judgment, he’ll correct what he deems fit to and he’ll protect us as we say these things. The enemy comes to distract us, hinder us and get into our minds because he has no power unless we give it to him. That’s where the secret place comes in. Wherever you feel the most peace (literally he can be God of the bathroom floor), let him be him. Perhaps you can make it more friendly by adding decor and prayers that align with what you need. Aside from that on Youtube, I started to become connected to women who gave uplifting words of encouragement through their talks with God and also provided prayer. I learned that for all of these you have to test the spirit so that an encouraging person does not become idolship. Truly insightful, invigorating, phenomenal women and men who are trying to lead people to God. A safe space for men and women of God to flourish to get the keys to the kingdom.
The second way that I was inviting God into myself was with writing. Although I love to write, there was a time in my life where all my journaling days seemed to be about my passions and it seemed empty yet entertaining. Eventually I began talking to God about my days and my thought processes but complaining as well. But little did I know how fruitful this was. My best friend told me (and later gifted) about this gratitude journal and how in it everyday, she has something to be grateful for, complete with tips and questions on how to get you into the mindset of positive thinking.

Thanks to her, I started doing the same thing and it really made me feel blessed to know that someone could pour into my life and later I could do the same. Without complaining (less), I could learn to appreciate the little things that I had, the people, the gifts, the experiences that only God has allowed me to receive but give him glory throughout as it makes me a better person.
The third way that I have learned to let God in has been through music. When I was learning how to fast one of the first things I challenged myself to do was fast through music. So that meant, any music that was not pleasing to God had to go. I took it a step further and challenged myself to stop listening to music completely. It was tough. But it got me to appreciate God for who He is. I had an increased love for nature that I neglected at times due to a work environment or other excuses. I could listen to God, or at the very least begin to ask for ears to hear and a heart that would be clean to let him rest and abide (rest and chill) in. A song that has truly been one of my favorites and the overall inspiration behind this article is Come In by The Walls Group.
A song that takes you to a literal intimate setting where R&B would be more prominent to override the lyrics and challenges you to be open minded. The notes sung by each member are heartfelt and passionate about their own battles that without going into detail, are made known that they are willing to follow God and are desperate for Him to do a work in and through them. That’s what is so beautiful about music that is for God. It’s for him, from us, because of him.
As you come to the conclusion of this article, perhaps there is a moment in time where you start to declutter your place, hearts and minds and begin to make each place an inviting space for God to do what only he can.