I’m always delighted when I stop and think about friendships- how they begin and how they evolve over time. Deletra and I have been in the same online bible study group for over a year. Between our spirited discussions on God, faith and each week’s sermon, we’ve all slowly learned more about each other, prayed for each other and supported each other- personally and professionally with our various skillsets. I’m pleased and grateful for Deletra’s timely wisdom on how to save money on groceries.
Tips on Ways to Find Affordable Foods at the Store
Hello, my name is Deletra, and I am a Registered Dietitian. I have lots of experience helping clients shop for healthy foods on a budget. Unfortunately, this has become difficult for most families with rising costs and inflation.

People say, “Eating out and grocery foods are the same price now.” While that is comical, it is not the truth yet! There are still practical ways to save on food.
One of the first steps is making a meal plan. Take time and create a list of meals you plan to eat that week. Make a plan to include nutritious foods and set yourself up for success. Next, look at your fridge and pantry and be creative with meal ideas that use pre-existing ingredients and food that may expire soon.
The next step is to create a grocery list. Write down the ingredients you need for your meal plan. A grocery list will help you stay focused during your shopping trip.

Another tip to keep you focused is to avoid grocery shopping while hungry. Grocery stores will entice you with good smells and strategic product placement that can draw your attention. But, unfortunately, your hunger and great store marketing will contribute to impulse buys. That means you will likely purchase things outside your list and budget.

Shop the store brand. The store brand is typically the cheapest option at the store. Sometimes, you may find the product discounted if there is a sale. Store-brand and name-brand products usually provide the same quality and taste. Psst! Some name-brand companies make store-brand products for grocery stores.
My last tip is to sign up for your store’s loyalty program. Don’t miss out on special discounts and coupons only extended to loyal customers. Most programs are free to sign up, and some are digital. So no need to remember to carry around a store card. Most loyalty programs allow you to save on things like gas. That’s one more way to keep money in your pocket!