I feel like this labyrinth lesson was all about encouraging me to shift my thinking. I have a lot of other thoughts about this experience, but those aren’t for public consumption.
Still, when I look back through old journal entries, I realize that every one of these labyrinth lessons are reminiscent of some of the things I learned in my Therapy Thursday sessions over a decade ago.
Repetition is, after all, an essential component of mastery.
Today’s labyrinth lesson, titled “Context”, originally took place on September 1, 2021 at the Salem Court labyrinth.
The right person at the wrong time is just the wrong person.
I don’t have any words for this, so… that is the end of that.

Surrender and giving up are not the same thing
Surrender: To surrender is to voluntarily relieve yourself of a burden or worry. Surrender should give you a greater feeling of peace than continue to struggle with whatever challenge you are enduring.The decision to surrender is based on intellectual reasoning, not emotion.
Giving up: Giving up is what happens when you lose hope and feel defeated. Giving up is generally an emotional response.
One is not necessarily bette than the other- there are times when it is appropriate to give up, and time when it is appropriate to surrender.
Knowing the difference is important.

We often hear the phrase “the price of love”.
What’s an acceptable price?

I really had to sit with this one for a while because I realized that the answer changes based on how I am feeling, but when I am calm, rational and practicing an open-heart, the answer comes easily to me.
When I love with an open heart, I can put my pride on the table. I can set aside my ego. I can forgo the need to be right, have the last word or ‘drive my point home’. I extend forgiveness and grace. I can willingly make sacrifices.
If those things are the price of love… well, I can live with that. I just have to remember to choose love.