12/3, 12:55 pm SMU Perkins School of Theology
5915 Bishop Blvd Dallas, Texas 75205 (Kirby Hall)
This was my second labyrinth walk of the day. I was surprised that this labyrinth didn’t have the same profound effect of JOY that the labyrinth at Unitarian Universalist Church Oak Cliff. There was just something about that place and that space that I don’t know that I will ever experience anyone where else…
I was also surprised by how much of an ‘unknown’ the labyrinth was to the students on campus. Despite the fact that it turned out to be fairly centrally located on the campus, every student that I asked (about half a dozen) about the labyrinth and where to find it had no idea what I was talking about or that it even existed. After searching around a bit, I found it tucked in an alcove between two buildings- hidden, but not. There were multiple entrances to get there (from two different buildings and through a courtyard). It was a short walk due to its smaller size, but still afforded me an opportunity for contemplation and revelations.

Don’t delude yourself. Even when you shift a burden’s weight from one shoulder to the other, or one hand to another, you are still carrying it.

What are you carrying that is not your burden to carry?
Some generational curses are only able to be passed from one generation to the next because the receiving generation has chosen to carry it- sometimes unconsciously, sometimes intentionally.
Sometimes we carry guilt, shame or regret because we delude ourselves into believing there is no way to NOT carry that burden.
Set down those things that you were never meant to carry.
Do not look back at them as you leave them behind- they are not for you.
It is safe to leave your burdens with Him.

Some things must be done in solitude

We often seek validation from outside ourselves- from friends, family, colleagues, or our social circle.
However, deep personal growth often comes from looking WITHIN, with a piercing clarity that cuts through our ambitions, blame, and excuses.
It means stepping away into solitude.
In solitude, you may enter a period of reflection. It might be a time of waiting- building patience, perseverance, and perspective.
Solitude might cause you to recognize that it is time to intentionally move toward the next step in your journey.
Sometimes, you can only get from ‘here’ to ‘there’ when you stop carrying other people’s expectations, opinions, or plans as part of your burden.