Today’s labyrinth lessons come from a labyrinth walk I took on 12/10/2021 at Unity Bay Area Houston, League city, TX 5:00 pm.
had a feeling of quiet hope.
And I very clearly heard this:
14 You are the light of the world, A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14 Tweet
So I stepped in the labyrinth with absolute expectation and began to walk.
All will be revealed shortly.

<Insert heavy sigh>
There is nothing like stepping into an experience and expecting concrete answers, deep revelations and the ever coveted resolution you have been seeking, only to be told, “Not yet.”
Love does conquer all things, even pride.
I love the reassurance of this message, and I needed to hear that – it’s the kind of encouragement that stirs and strengthens hope.
If you’ve ready many of my other posts, especially on relationships, you know that I I advocate quite often for pepople to choose love over pride, so it’s nice to hear it reverberated back to me.

I had another takeaway from this walk as well– almost as an afterthought or.. more accurately, as a pointed reminder to me… It was this:
It does not require their approval or belief
What it all means together, I cannot say because I do not know… yet.
But it sure seems like a good omen, doesn’t it?