While I often walk a labyrinth looking for answers, on this particular day, I went in with no questions or expectations, just a willingness to hear whatever I needed to know.
As I wandered the loops contemplatively, my only thought was, “I’m listening… what do you want me to know?”
2. You have everything you need to sustain you.

I’ve been doing a lot of “What should I do?” and “How do I prepare?”
I’m sure all my angst comes from my inner control freak, who is trying desperately to break free.
This very clearly told me to CHILL MY BRITCHES.
And so I wait. (NOTE: Patience isn’t my strong point.)
3. It won’t be the same.

Isn’t it funny how often we want things to go back to the way they were, even when they weren’t that great?
Time, perspective and maturity changes things.
Different can be good… No, different can be GREAT.