My third labyrinth visit of the day was just after lunch on 06/12/2022 (around 1:20 PM) at a private home in Oklahoma City, OK. The home is listed on the labyrinth locator website, and when I had reached out to them to ask if I/we could walk the labyrinth and they were very welcoming and encouraged us to visit.
They had created the labyrinth in their backyard, though it was visible from the street and quickly and easily accessed.
Private labyrinths allows for greater personalization, and their spiritual beliefs were evident by the objects in and around the labyrinth. As always, I am grateful when labyrinth owners grant access to their labyrinths for complete strangers to use. It was fitting that the first message was…
Little kindnesses make a big difference
We KNOW that little moments of kindness can make a big difference, but we probably aren’t very good about putting that knowledge to good use and intentionally practicing moments of kindness.
Let this be your reminder of how powerful, uplifting and encouraging it is…
Here’s are a couple personal ‘feel good’ examples of how it has been helpful to me:
As you may know from my posts, I try to swim 5-6 days a week for an hour each day. I am not a particularly good or strong swimmer (though I really wish I was).
Despite that, I have been encouraged several times by other swimmers at the various YMCAs I have visited. At the Everett YMCA, a member named Pietra offered to give me some tips on my stroke, and after watching me swim a partial lap, told me I was very “elegant’ in the water. I was BEAMING after that compliment. On another occasion, a swimmer one lane over looked at me and and said, “You’re working really hard out there. Good job!”
When I was visiting my dad in Oregon, I swam at the Medford YMCA, and after my first swim there, a gentleman one lane over said, “You did a good job for your first time here- You swam an entire hour!”
It might seem like a little thing, but when I’m tired and discouraged and feel like I’m not good enough (which is more often than like to admit), those words of affirmation are powerful, powerful motivators. We can all benefit from encouragement. When in doubt, refer to the Five Love Languages — all show kindness, and kindness is cool.
Your impact will be greater than you can imagine
Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into the water, the actions of individuals can have a far-reaching effect.
Dalai Lama Tweet
When we recognize the impact we have on others – and how that impact can be positive or negative, we recognize how very powerful we are are.

We may not know how or what we have said (or done) has impacted someone, but trust me– you are leaving your mark on the world- make it a good one!
You are just getting started