Lessons from my 10/23/2021 Labyrinth Walk at Spirit of Grace Church in Tigard, OR
This labyrinth lesson is in two parts. I was fortunate to get two set of lessons; the first I am calling “From the Outside, In” because the first set came during my walk into the labyrinth. The second set is (predictably) called “From the Inside, Out” because they came during my walk out of the labyrinth.
(I was originally going to call them “Innies and Outies” and include pictures of belly buttons, but all the belly button pictures looked creepy or inappropriate.)
As is the standard with my labyrinth walks, the lessons all resonated with me. They also dovetailed neatly together—with my internal queries and with each other.
Part I: From the Outside, In
It’s going to be messy
I don’t know why, but this immediately brought to mind an image of toddlers and finger paints, though I suspect neither of those is in my immediate future. The second, more realistic realization is that whatever lies ahead will not necessarily move smoothly into the future that is to be. I don’t know exactly what that means, but I feel an image of a swirling crystal ball is an appropriate image for this!

It’s going to be hard
Oh joy! Hard. Hard sounds…. Difficult. Exhausting. Frustrating. Discouraging.
My spirits were NOT lifted by this pronouncement. I can only hope that this forewarning means that I will expect things to be harder than they will actually be.
It’s going to be worth it
Well, it better be! (What else can I say?)