The majority of the labyrinths on the Labyrinth Locator website are at churches, universities and hospitals. I’ll be frank – the few labyrinths I have seen at hospitals haven’t left me with a warm feeling. Several have been nice, this one was…. well intended but not so well executed.
Nature was doing its thing.
Our labyrinth walk took place on December 7th, 2021 at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, TX around approximately 4:50 p.m.
The hospital was walking distance from our airbnb, so we took a late afternoon strolled through the nearby residential neighborhood until we ended up at the medical center.
Andrew has become a master at using google map’s satellite images to locate each labyrinth’s specific location, so it didn’t take us long to locate it.

The interfaith garden was tucked away, just off Junius Street in front of the Roberts Hospital entrance. The labyrinth, a classical pattern, is in the center of the garden with two water walls, walking paths and seating. While it was undoubtably lovely when it was built, the trees and water surrounding the garden area had drawn dozens of tiny birds to the area. The chirping was a pleasant addition to the sounds of the water walls, but the prevalence of the guano everywhere was not.
Nonetheless, I carefully stepped around the droppings to walk the labyrinth.
Sometimes it’s all about the little things

While grand gestures garner attention with their slowly displays, it’s the little things, especially over time, that demonstrate your true intentions.
Life is messy
There is no instruction manual or guidebook for how to live our lives, find our purpose or discover our calling.
Consequently, despite our best efforts and intentions, we don’t always get it right. We make a mess of our lives and situations.

It’s helpful to remember that we are all just doing the best we can, so show some grace- to yourself as well as others.
Not everything will work out the way we want the first time (or the second, or even the third time)… Nonetheless, we should persevere.
Dream. Plan. Act.
Repeat (tweaking the plan as needed).