It was October 2021 when I did this labyrinth walk. It was crisp and cool outside, and most of the trees were bare; Winter was calling softly.
As usual, I had questions… But the answers I received all directed my questions back to me.

You have to ask the right question to get the right answer.
Clarity is so important. Are you asking the right question(s)?
It is more important to ask the right question than it is to get the answer you want.
Only you know the answers to some of the questions you ask.

Sometimes we ask questions when we already know the answer(s).
Or we ask questions of others that only we can/should answer.

Only you can decide what is worth waiting for.
We often want someone else to tell us when to stop, quit or give up. We doubt our own judgment, and constantly second-guess ourselves.
Am I giving up to soon?
Did I try hard enough?
Is this worth my time, energy, and heart?
Should I keep trying?
Oftentimes, these are not questions that others can satisfactorily answer for us. They are decisions we need to make for ourselves, and we need to recognize that fact, and respond accordingly.

The core of this whole walk was YOU. Over and over again, “YOU” was the focus word. It was reminder that many of the outcomes in our lives are based on the way we think, what we prioritize, and where we place our faith, trust and belief.
It’s all about choice. It’s all about our individual choices.
What do YOU believe?
What do YOU have faith in?
What is important to YOU?
What will YOU choose?
What will YOU do?