In December 2021, I went on an epic roadtrip with two beloved friends, Andrew & Mikalya. It was a spiritual journey (of sorts) that included 17 labyrinth walks over eight days (December 3-11).
My first labyrinth walk was on December 3rd, around 10:30 a.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church Oak Cliff. Their labyrinth is in a wooded area behind the church; It was so very peaceful there. I don’t normally listen to music when walking a labyrinth, but when I arrived, I was listening to The Blessing, By Kari Jobe (featuring Cody Carnes). The music and lyrics were an integral part of my walk, and the experience lifted my heart, soul, and spirit, restoring some of my diminished hope. I walked this labyrinth slowly, listening to the Blessing. I played it several times and just stood in the center of the labyrinth for a long time.
I had this awesome feeling of absolute joy that is indescribable.
I didn’t want it to end.
It was an abnormally slow walk out of the labyrinth, and there was no music this time, just me ‘listening’.
Listening in the silence.
And I heard more in that silence than on any other labyrinth walk I had done before.

Sometimes the path is unclear and Messy with debris, but you still know which way to go, so there is no good excuse for not moving forward.
Even when the path is not completely clear, keep moving forward.

Until you let go, you won’t be open and ready to receive what’s coming next

Everyone has a role in the journey, no matter how small that role might be

Each one of us matters, has a role to play, and makes a difference. Each one of us must take responsibility for our own lives, and above all, show respect and love for living things around us, especially each other.
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