I had a blitz trip to Las Vegas in June 2021… As usual, I was hoping to find a new (to me) labyrinth to walk, even though my time in LV was a brief 3 days (arrived Friday morning, departed Monday morning) and NOT a pleasure trip/vacation.
As you may recall, labyrinth walks are a way that I ground and recenter myself, and they are an important component of my faith/prayer life. Also, I knew I would need to stay strong and grounded for this trip, so I had researched labyrinth locations in LV prior to my arrival.

I was determined to get to more than one labyrinth, so I decided to use the early hours immediately after my arrival to go to my first labyrinth – located at the Epiphany Episcopal Church.

As usual, my labyrinth walk did not disappoint. It was a much-needed reminder of three things I constantly question, challenge and try to control/master….

Time, Space & History
1. All things in good time.
As much as I struggle to make things happen on the timeline that I want, sometimes the “wonder” in wonderful comes from recognizing that the right time is not necessarily right now.

2. Fast & Easy isn’t always better.
See also:
“It’s about the journey, not the destination.”
“Slow and steady wins the race.“
3. Sometimes, the people from your past are exactly the people you need in your present– because they know you and they know your story, and you NEED to be known in that way at this time.

My (first) ex-husband (Alan) called me while I was walking the labyrinth. I had just reached the center when he called. Despite being divorced over 20 years, we are in frequent contact with each other and are better friends now than when we were married (time and maturity worked wonders on us both!)
Alan had seen my FB post, and knew from prior conversations that the sudden trip to Vegas was NOT a pleasure trip. He called to encourage me- letting me know that he knew it was going to be a challenging time, but that he knew I could handle whatever came my way. It was a lovely (and much-needed) boost to my spirits.
Here’s the thing: Alan knew the back story…
Correction, back stories.

There is something to be said for people who know you- people who know where and what you came from, what shaped you, and what baggage and burdens weigh on you.
The people that know your stories, secrets and shame. Those people, when they love you right & love you well, can be a mirror that lends clarity and perspective.
And sometimes, we need to recognize that the real truth comes from those people.