Reflections from a labyrinth walk taken on August 24, 2021.
You don’t need to get anyone else to agree with your truth. You just need to live it.
Alan Cohen Tweet
Just because someone says it, doesn’t make it true.
When you know the truth, do not allow yourself be dissuaded. Others will try to twist your truth to fit their own understanding and their own level of comfort. Do not be swayed.
When you know, at the core of your being, what is to be, then stand in that knowledge.
The truth will not conform to our will. It cannot be altered.
The truth is stubborn, unflinching, and unapologetic. The truth requires no one’s approval- it stands on its own merit.
So should you.
Don’t let doubt destroy your faith.

I show you doubt, to prove that faith exists.
Robert Browning Tweet
Doubt is a necessary part of our lives. If we knew everything with certainty, faith would be unnecessary.
Without faith, doubt cannot exist.
It’s ok to doubt, but always remember that the word “wonderful” begins with “wonder”. Stay faithful.
Our lives will be filled with all manner of wonder.
Do not doubt that.
Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to move forward.
Funny, but not funny since I have said on multiple occasions that I have no interest in going backwards- not in terms of my career, my relationships, my financial security, etc.
And I’m not alone. Many (most?) people are make it a point to face forward, to the future, and not look back to what happened in the past.
But what if we’re getting it wrong?
Self-reflection is often an act of humility. Taking the time to look back at the things we’ve done well is encouraging, but seeing all the ways we fell short of our own (or someone else’s) expectations is humbling. And necessary.
Learning from our mistakes is part of maturing. However, in order to learn from a mistake, we must first admit that we MADE a mistake. Only then we can consider what happened and why.
While it’s often true that happens next is more important than what has already transpired, looking back can be crucial to a happy and successful future.

The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.
Winston Churchill Tweet