Hello Strangers!
When Sheli asked me to submit a guest post I wasn’t exactly sure what I would have to say. I often run into this problem when writing for my own blog- I find myself doubting whether what I put out into the interwebs has any value at all. I’m no expert (I’m sure you’ll notice by my grammar to follow) so oftentimes that leads me to hesitate sharing my voice. I definitely don’t know what I’m doing and I will never pretend to! With writing and all other things in life.
BUT here’s where the other voice in my brain space chimes in to urge- remember all of the beautiful art and poetry and film and songs and lil blurbs I’ve been so inspired by throughout my life? Not all of those pieces were crafted by masters or famous contributors! All it takes is one other voice to say “me too” to make you feel understood in this world. So now that I have digressed, allow me to get to the main event.
A word that has taken new meaning in my life:

I recently came across a Buddhist story about a farmer.
One day the farmer’s horse ran away. His neighbors upon hearing the news sympathetically replied, “Such bad luck!” The farmer replied with “Maybe.”
The next day his horse returned, along with three other wild horses. His neighbors rejoiced, saying “How wonderful!” The farmer replied, “Maybe.”

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses and ended up falling off and breaking his leg. The neighbors once more came to offer sympathy regarding the misfortune. Farmer replies yet again, “Maybe.”

The day after, military officials came into town to draft young men into war. Due to his broken leg, the farmer’s son was not eligible. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. His response? “Maybe.”
I love this story because it reminds me that “good” and “bad” things are going to happen to all of us, but the seemingly negative or painful events can lead to something even greater than we planned. The best we can do is hold tight to the ebbs and flows and trust that everything is unfolding as it should. I hope in sharing this story that you are able to respond to life with more maybes.