The responsibilities that come with adulthood are not always pleasant.
It turns out that being a grown-up is much more than just being able to eat ice cream whenever you want or stay up as late as you want on a school (work) night.

Responsibilities and obligations abound in adulthood– things like mortgage payments and utilities, and cars (with payments) that don’t magically have a FULL gas gauge the day after I notice it’s only at 1/4 tank.
And plumbing problems. Dreaded plumbing problems. Gone are the days when I could just holler for my dad when the drain was clogged or the toilet overflowed.
I cannot tell you how much money I have invested over the years in Drano, Liquid Plumr and very other iteration of chemical drain cleaner. Even worse than that, despite the fact that none of them have ever been effective, I KEPT pouring money down the drain- literally.

But take heart, there is still magic in the world that must be shared. I bring you this month’s recommendation- something that every household with running water needs – a Drain Weasel.

One day, a visiting houseguest mentioned the slow drain in the downstairs bathroom. I told him I had tried every chemical known to mankind and nothing worked.
He said he would grab a Drain Weasel at Home Depot and see if that would solve the problem. I had no idea what a drain weasel was. Nonetheless I scoffed, then sighed.
Why would that work, when so many other things did not?
It’s not the first time I was wrong about something, and it certainly won’t be the last.
This little $5 item from Home Depot has been a game changer. Buy one. Actually, buy 3 or 4. And share this little piece of magic with your friends.