The two investments I made that allowed me to love my home more than I ever though possible were:
- My hammock, and
- Mosquito Guard Pest Control service

One of my favorite places in the world was my backyard, in my hammock with a glass of wine (or some other beverage), and either a book to read, an audiobook to lose myself in a story, or music to relax to.
I even created a check-in location for it on Facebook, and called it “The Hammock”.
The hammock was the ideal place to disengage with the world, reconnect with a friend or partner, or recenter myself.
Sunny days were ideal. Cloudy days were no big deal. Even sprinkles could not deter me when the hammock called my name.
I remember a particularly cool day when it was a bit brisk with wind, but the hammock called me anyway. I wrapped myself in a down throw blanket, and curled up in the hammock. I don’t know how long I slept, but it was one of the most peaceful naps I’ve ever had. The combination of the cozy warmth of the blanket, the gently swaying hammock and the cool breeze made for an ideal nap environment.
Terrifying facts: one female mosquito can lay 300 eggs within an inch of standing water. ONE INCH. That means every damp crevice and tiny puddle is a mosquito haven and breeding ground.
It’s hard to enjoy the great outdoors, even in my glorious hammock, when Mother Nature’s tiny offspring are trying to suck you dry.
Back in 2017, the mosquitos from the wetlands behind my property were unbearable. An airbnb guest who was trying to enjoy the backyard gave up after less than five minutes and came inside, complaining about mosquitos everywhere.
Enter Mosquito Guard Pest Control.
I had heard of Mosquito Guard Pest Control, but I was skeptical about the results they promised. Nonetheless, I agreed to give them a trial run. At that time, sprays were about $100 every three weeks (though you could sign up for a seasonal package in the early spring and get a small discount). The came out and sprayed that afternoon, and that evening, when my guest went outside to enjoy the backyard, she was thrilled. She estimated that the mosquitos had been reduced by more than 95%.
While that was a fantastic result, one day of dramatic results still didn’t justify $100 every three weeks. I wanted to know that the results would last more than a few days.
So I waited a few days to see what happened. The yard remained a safe haven for outdoor adventures.
I waited a few more days. Still minimal mosquitos and other bugs. It had been more than a week.
Another week passed. I was sold.
I called Mosquito Guard Pest Control and signed up for the service. I’ve been with them ever since.

It has been about It is one the best investments I have ever made. Every three weeks, from May through September, the perimeter of my property, as well as the eaves of my home, all nearby (pollinator-free) foliage and my lawn was sprayed with a mixture primarily composed of rosemary oil, geranium oil, and peppermint oil, with some other trace ingredients (including wintergreen oil), are sprayed down. The process takes less than 15 minutes, and it lasts for about three weeks.
It has been so effective and made such a dramatic difference in my ability to enjoy my glorious backyard that one of my next-door neighbors signed up for the service, too.
Having a home and nice, large yard were always a high priority for me. I wanted a place for my kids to play safely, and a place to enjoy being outdoors with friends and family. Mosquito Guard Pest Control has allowed me to enjoyed my home and my yard. If pests, whether they are mosquitoes, acids, gnats or other bugs, are preventing you from enjoying your backyard and any outer outdoor space, give them a call.
Oh, did I forget to mention they guarantee their results? They do.