As I prepare to pack up my life and head to destinations as yet unknown, it is inevitable that I would be awash in memories as I pack things away.
Photos, photo albums, VHS tapes, photo negatives…
Honestly, most of them are things I rarely, if ever, look at. Nonetheless, as I was packing, I put in the old VHS tapes and ambled down memory lane.
I watched the ultrasound of my daughter, then videos of my son feeding ducks at the park, all stored on on old VHS tapes that I hadn’t looked at in over a decade.
And pictures- I have boxes and boxes of pictures. Pictures from my childhood. Pictures from raising my children. I have pictures my father gave me from his childhood and early adulthood.
After being in boxes for years, I enjoyed looking through the old photos. And when I was finished, I put them back in the boxes, regretfully.
Who knows when I’ll look at them again, yet I can’t seem to part with them, either.

I’ve heard the saying about holding on to the memories and letting go of the ‘stuff’, but that’s easier said than done.
Enter Andy, and Preserving the Past Film to Digital.
It is ever so convenient that my best friend’s sister’s husband (how could I not include this humorous tidbit in here?) has a knack for technology- everything from building computers to transferring the data from various mediums to a digital format.
I’ve been sending Andy my old media, a little bit at a time– old photos, negatives, VHS tapes, etc. and he has been converting them to a digital version.
Every time he sends me another digital file he has converted from old film or tape, it’s another chance to reminisce. Then I can store it in the cloud and have one less box collecting dust.
Trust me when I say, keeping a digital record makes it easier to hold on to the memories, organize (and find them!) and minimize the boxes and clutter.
Give it a try! Reach out to Andy and begin the process of Preserving the Past.