I love the idea of a strong woman…
However, being strong means different things to different people and at different times.
Tough, but tender? Strong, yet flexible? Kind AND firm?
As I began writing this post, I thought about all the amazing women in my life- women who have encouraged, supported, mentored, and shaped me over the years. I thought about writing about them, but decided it would be unfair to shine unwanted attention on them- they are all as modest as they are wonderful.
Therefore, in lieu of spotlighting all the women I admire IRL (in real life), I’ve opted to share my favorite women from TV, movies, books and the Bible, etc.
This series of posts on Strong Women is not intended to be a lesson or deep thoughts in this series of Strong Women posts, just a glimpse into the values and attributes I admire in these women.

Esther, Queen of Persia
Esther, orphaned as child and raised by her cousin, Mordecai.
Esther, taken into the king’s harem, where her dignity and grace won the love of the king and she became the queen, instead of a concubine.
Esther, who has hidden her lineage from the king, and must now decide whether or not to reveal her Jewish heritage, at risk of her own life, to prevent a genocide of the Jewish people.
It took COURAGE, beyond measure.
And because of her courage, her people are saved.
I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
Esther 4:16 (NIV)

Dana Scully: A woman of devout faith. A Medical doctor and scientist. A woman who is not afraid to let her faith or her scientific knowledge (or both) guide her decisions in a world that demands you choose one or the other. A woman of strength.

Dana Scully: Medical Doctor, Scientist, FBI Special Agent
From: The X-Files (TV series & two movies)
Together with her partner, Fox Mulder, she investigates paranormal phenomenon.
As a doctor and scientist, Dana Scully’s character introduced what became known as the “The Scully Effect“, which encouraged a generation of young women to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).
The Scully Effect has influenced 43% of medium/heavy women viewers of The X-Files to consider working in STEM fields, 27% to study STEM fields, and 24% to work in STEM fields.

A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.
Anonymous Tweet
Andromache of Scythia
From: The Old Guard (movie & comics)
“Andy” is the main character of The Old Guard. She is an immortal warrior and the oldest/founding member of the Old Guard. She has been protecting humanity for at least 6,000 years.

Andy has spent her life (lives) serving and protecting humanity. Though she often feels her efforts are fruitless, her accomplishments affect history in profound ways. She has unknowingly changed the world (for the better) through her strength- strength of will and strength of character.
I’ve often thought it unfair that women are expected to stay at home when there’s a fight to be won. If a woman has the strength to bear a child, she can swing a sword as well as any man.
Karen Hawkins, author Tweet
Dora Milaje: All-female Special Forces
Personal Bodyguards & Royal Security for Wakanda’s Royalty
(Marvel Movies)

The Dora Milaje are a group of all-female, elite bodyguards. The women are expert warriors trained in many fields of combat.
While the Dora Milaje are fictional, they are based on real women- Amazon warriors from the 1700’s.

Known as the Dahomey Amazons by the Europeans, and Nonmiton, meaning “our mothers,” or ahosi, “the king’s wives” by their own people, these women warriors were entrusted with protecting the king.
They are the only documented all-female army, and their battle prowess and fierceness was legendary.They underwent rigorous physical training which included wrestling, wall-climbing and arm exercises. In addition, part of their training required that they be able to survive for days with little or no provisions.
The Dohomey Amazons and the Dora Milaje represent the strength, tenacity, courage and indomitable spirit of women everywhere.
Katniss Everdeen: Tribute, Revolutionary, Sister, Daughter, Friend
From: The Hunger Games Trilogy, books & movies

Katniss Everdeen is a woman caught up in the repercussions of truly living her values, which is much of the reason why I found her character so appealing. Even though she is very young (only 16 when she becomes a tribute), she is, in many ways, is a very complex character, especially for her age.
The maturity required for her survival (and the survival of her family and loved ones), is counter-balanced with the immaturity of her age.
She is passionately independent, letting very few into her inner circle, and she does not trust with ease. Yet, she is fiercely loyal to those she loves, and would do anything, including risking her own life, to help, save or protect others.
In addition, Katniss is tough, independent, and resourceful, yet she is also very compassionate and caring. Despite everything she endures, she maintains her integrity and sense of identity.

It’s easy to sympathize with her when you consider the internal conflict she must have felt when having to make (often split-second) life or death decisions, while still trying to retain her humanity, and what little innocence she had left.

Becoming a beacon of hope was not something she ever intended or wanted.
Her authenticity is appealing to me, especially when I think of all the people who have had their voices silenced (in both the real and metaphorical sense of the word) because they didn’t say the “right” things.
I also admire her character because she doesn’t hide her flaws and fears, and doesn’t want to be anyone other than herself. Above all else, she always tries to do what she thinks is best in the moment.
Every good story needs a good, bad and lost soul. A people to fight for, an item to turn the tide of battle, an enigmatic character, a motivator/mentor, and an unlikely reluctant hero.
Josh Rose Tweet