Not to beat a dead horse, but as I stated in the Prelude, Therapy Thursdays was started to help me determine if:
- My relationship expectations were too high/unreasonable
- How to be successful in future relationships
Here is a summary of five separate sessions. They are numbered in session order, but that doesn’t mean it was that specific session… there are some session notes that I didn’t keep and/or won’t be sharing…
But I promise, there is still plenty of good stuff here! Plus, as I said before, future TT posts will be considerably shorter because they are not designed to rehash my relationship issues- they are designed to help you be thoughtful (and hopefully more successful) as you navigate your own relationships.
Session 1:
We spent a great deal of the session discussing this question and the answers below:
What is a reasonable relationship expectation?
- Time
- Attention
- Privacy
- Communication
- Future plans
Another of my take-aways for coping better was this mantra/thought process (that I clearly need to use more often):
Identify the emotion; acknowledge it; decide – is it actionable or not?

Session 2: My control issues
That session’s big takeaway was this:
Worrying about something when you have little or no control over the outcome is fruitless
Session 3: Priorities
It is more important to show love than to be right
Love is more important that fear.
Love is more important than being right.
Love is more important than pride.

It is more important to show love than to be right
Love is more important that fear.
Love is more important than being right.
Love is more important than pride.
Session 4: Personal Responsibility
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.”
Joan Dideon Tweet

Session Five: Trust
Trust is a three-part equation
- 1/3 disclosure
- 1/3 reciprocity
- 1/3 intention