So there I was, struggling with issues of trust and not sure how to proceed. Stymied, frustrated and looking for answers, I arrived at my Therapy Thursday session, griping about not knowing what was true and what was a lie.
Ken said something so unexpected that it stopped me in my tracks. He said:
“When the writing was on the wall, were you looking out the window?”
I don’t have a lot to add here. His question pretty much summed things up succinctly.
How often is the truth right in front of us, but we refused to see it?
If we were to look through the eyes of anyone else, we would see so clearly what we muddy with our own deluded truths.
We intentionally ignore our gut instinct when it screams at us that something isn’t ‘right’. When it forgoes the screaming and instead, chidingly whispers, we still pretend not to hear.

We can look away from the truth.
It will still be there.
It will still be the truth.