Sunday, October 15 – October 21
The first half of this week was spent wrapping up some final projects with C. in Everett, but by Thursday, I was on the road again, stopping first in Gig Harbor to visit with friends I knew back in Alaska – Daniel and Rosa Campos. From there, I made the drive to Cheney where I returned to the ‘Roadifer Resort’ for a brief stay with Marcia Randy, Lauren and adorable puppy R. The weekend found me reconnecting with another friend who has also moved from Alaska in recent years, and seeing her rounded out a good week.
Sunday, October 15th

C. insisted that we do something fun today, and she happily indulged my labyrinth obsession. We chose the Falling Water Gardens in Monroe, WA because they had a labyrinth (which I love) and gardens (which C. loves).
It was such a fun afternoon!
It was a delightful place to stop and walk a labyrinth. Falling Waters Gardens had ALL the things – including koi fish that you can pet.
They had a large variety of plants, but also had a lot of focus on yard and garden decor. The whole space was laid out to be an experience, not just a shopping adventures.
We spent a little bit of time wandering the expansive grounds, and barely scratched the surface of what they offer. I stopped in at the baby peacocks, which offered me fond memories of my time in Fort Pierce, Florida. We found a life-sized chess set up in one section fo the ground, and there were water features of varying types everywhere. There was even a Sasquatch sighting!

It was a place that I could easily see myself wiling away hours at, and C. already has plans to go back there before the koi go into their hibernation season.
The staff shared that they offer ‘glamping‘ onsite in the summer season through Airbnb, and are a popular wedding venue as well.

We wrapped up our wonderful Sunday afternoon with dinner at Las Tres Marias in Monroe, WA.
It’s a shame that it was late on a Sunday afternoon because most of the small businesses lining downtown Monroe were closed by the time we got there. We wandered the short block of what seemed to be be the Main Street there and found it delightful. I hope to make it back that way on a sunny day in the future to explore the nearby businesses because I sure enjoyed peeking in the windows there.
Monday, October 16th
The morning was hectic- I hadn’t slept well and had a slow start to the morning, despite waking early. Consequently, I missed my morning swim, and instead we spent it doing some work to close a chapter in C..’s life.

Closing chapters and turning pages can be emotionally exhausting work, so after we took care of our adult responsibilities, we rewarded ourselves took a little drive around Everett, stopping at Harborview Park to take in the sights. She offered to take me for ice cream, but I declined. I just wasn’t in the mood. 😲🤯
It was weighing on me that I hadn’t put in an hour of swim time, and even though I was not feeling motivated to do so, I forced myself out the door and to the pool to get in my hour of swim time before bedtime. I swam for EXACTLY one hour and went 1,640 yards. I wasn’t fast, but I was persistent, and frankly, I’m proud of myself for getting it done. Yay me. 🎉
Tuesday, October 17th
I was going to push myself out the door for an evening swim, but was delayed because I waiting for a FB Marketplace buyer to show up. He did eventually show up (around 7:15 pm), and since he had driven 90 minute from Tacoma (in heavy traffic), I’m glad I didn’t blow him off and leave.
Tomorrow, I promise.
Wednesday, October 18th
My guilt over not swimming had me out the door and in the pool by 6:15 a.m. I chatted with the front desk staff and let them know I was moving on to my next travel adventure and that Thursday would be my last day at the Everett pool. I will miss their friendly faces each time I show up to swim… When I miss a day, Gary (at the front desk) let’s me know that my absence was noticed, which is a good feeling.
I had a client coaching call in the late morning, my own business coaching call in the mid-afternoon and then spend the rest of the day packing, all while asking myself how I managed to accumulate more ‘stuff’ during my travels….
Wednesday night was spent alternating between binge-watching TV and helping C. with some technology questions. She isn’t giving herself enough credit for how quickly she is picking up certain things… I had to remind her that tasks which caused her a lot of frustration in the prior week are now being completed almost effortlessly by her, and that she needs to celebrate her accomplishments and what she is learning to do.
Thursday, October 19th
I was up and out the door to the pool by 6:45 a.m. this morning. I knew I had a long(-ish) drive to Cheney/Spokane, as well as a stop in the early afternoon, so I wanted to be sure to get in one more swim session at the Everett YMCA. I made a point of saying good-bye to the staff who has been so friendly and welcoming, and stopped a couple swimmers to thank them for their positive encouragement of my efforts in the water. I’ve been asked several time when I will be coming back this way, so I have tentatively decided to pop back this way in March 2024.
I popped back to the C’s house, grabbed the last of my things, and said my goodbyes to her. She was dashing off to work, which meant we were both spared from emotional goodbyes by a clock that doesn’t stop ticking. With a tentative March return date and a promise of regular communication via text, phone calls and WhatsApp, we’re feeling good about being able to keep in touch between now and then.
My next stop was Gig Harbor, where I enjoyed a delicious lunch (by Rosa) and wonderful conversation about faith, our different travels, friends, family and acquaintances and life in general with her and Daniel.

The Campos are another couple God has blessed me (and my family) with in our lives. They are generous, friendly and sincere in every sense of the word. They’ve been friends of my family for years (ever since my mom and Daniel worked together) and though I haven’t seen them in over 20 years, it was so easy to slide into conversation with them. I was grateful for my time there and had to force myself out the door and back on the road for the almost 300 mile drive ahead of me. I promised to keep in touch better and hit the road for Spokane in the mid/late afternoon, arriving in Spokane just before 8:00 p.m.
Marcia had put dinner aside for me, and I scarfed it down, relaxed with them on the couch for a bit, chatted a bit, then retired for the evening, spent by the day’s travels.
Friday, October 20th
I slept later than normal, but managed to get myself out the door to a YMCA location that had a pool. (The nearest Y to Marcia & Randy’s place doesn’t actually have a pool, so I am driving about 25 minutes each way to next closest location (with a pool) get my swim time in… UGH). I already miss the convenience (2.9 miles and 7 minutes of drive time) of the Everett location I have frequented for the least six-ish weeks… Still, it will be fun to check out a different YMCA, right?

Once again, a five star review for the friendly and welcoming staff.
This is the first YMCA that ever issued me a parking pass, which I had to immediately affix to my car in the parking lot. They also had a time limit on how long you could be parked there (I think it was either 2 or 2.5 hours), but I suspect that based on their location, parking is a prime real estate and they need to make sure it is available for their members and not being monopolized by nearby businesses.
I enjoyed my swim time there and left feeling pleased by the experience. I’ll be content to swim there while I’m here in Cheney, though the long drive (especially so early in the mornings) may prove to be a challenge for me. Time will tell, and my will power and commitment to swimming will likely be tested while I am here.
Saturday, October 21st
I slept in later than normal, and didn’t roll out of bed until just after 7:00 a.m. I helped Marcia with a few projects outside, and even worked up a sweat doing it!
In the late morning, I drove into Coeur d’Alene for lunch with my friend, Kelli. I met Kelli in Alaska well over a decade ago and we became fast friends at a Pampered Chef party (is anyone really surprised that our meeting involved food?). Kelli and her beau met up with me at Trails End Brewing Company, where they treated me to a lovely meal. It was the first time I ever had a Black Cherry soda from Boylan Bottling Company and I am *addicted*. The pulled pork tacos were pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed the pretzel bites (*CARBS!) and dipping sauces (one was a spicy mustard blend and one was a beer cheese blend- both were quite yummy!)
More than anything, though, I appreciated the opportunity to catch up with Kelli and hear what was happening in her world. He beau seems to be a lovely man and it’s obvious he is crazy about Kelli (smart guy!).
She listened to what was happening in my world (and head), called me out on my BS, and encouraged me to keep seeking.
Friends– Good ones show up when they know you need them. 🙌🏽 I’m lucky to have her in my life.

By the time I returned to the house, I was a tired panda, and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening relaxing- with several hours spent scrambling to update my blog with this post. Bedtime came and went, and tired Sheli is still typing and uploading images…. I hope you all are enjoying the updates, and that the intermittent play-by-plays aren’t boring you.