September 2021 labyrinth walk:
How do you need me to grow?
When I entered the labyrinth, I was in the midst of a faith struggle, so it made sense that my unspoken question was about my need to grow in that area.
In faith. Trust me.
It is impossible to have a healthy, nurturing relationship without having trust.
Trust is necessary in our faith journey, as much as it is in any other relationship.
I don’t deny that “surrender” in matters of faith is a struggle for me.
In relationship with me.
Good faith relationships are a two way street of give and take: Give him praise; Accept his grace, mercy & love.
It sounds easy, and I’m sure I make it harder than necessary. All good relationships are the result of genuine effort, desire and work.
I know I have work to do.
The Messiah your heart longs for wants a relationship with you!
Judy Harrell Tweet
Understand that there will be interruptions along the way.
There are things in the Bible that are HARD to reconcile with our belief in a loving and merciful God. This is was my reminder that doubt, which can interrupt our efforts to deepen our relationship with God, is OK.
It’s an interruption, not a cessation.